Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Taken from the doppelgänger from April 18th 2008. . .

So, the answer is, Yes: I have curly hair. However, what makes my situation worthy of a blog rant is that I have a straight hair haircut. This is on my mind today because I woke up late, not having the time it takes to fix my hair, I more and less ran out the door. The result is an early 20's-esque mess, which given the right lighting is passed off as a statement not a last resort.It started last December, with my first haircut in a strange place. I told the stylist I needed something cute and quick, and “WACK”, it was gone. I admit that hair wasn't the only thing to fall to the floor that day. (personal identity, tears of frustration, trust in the greater good of man) I had lost what felt like a Jamie Icon and gained a snooze button inhibitor. The first three weeks where horrible, and the results where mediocre at best, and I burnt through three flat irons.Since then, I have become quite a proficient with a ceramic straighter, 40min. is the best look, 20 min, is mostly respectable, 10 min. . . well, that's the kind of hair I avoid. Yes, I understand this is trivial. I understand I am vain. Nonetheless, my feelings persist otherwise.

1 comment:

Sarah said...

You've burnt through THREE flat irons? That takes some impressive skill Jamie. Maybe I should have just bought you a wig for Christmas...